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Centre de recherches en histoire et épistémologie comparée de la linguistique d'Europe centrale et orientale (CRECLECO) / Université de Lausanne // Научно-исследовательский центр по истории и сравнительной эпистемологии языкознания центральной и восточной Европы

Central European University, Budapest

Pasts, Inc. Center for Historical Studies




International Conference


Europe’s Symbolic Geographies



CEU, Budapest, May 27-29, 2004


Convenors: Sorin Antohi (CEU), Larry Wolff (Boston College)



Thursday, May 27



18:00-19:30 Inaugural Session:


Welcoming Remarks (Sorin Antohi, Larry Wolff)

Keynote Address: György Konrád


Reception follows.


Friday, May 28


9:00-11:00 Panel 1: European Topologies : Geographical, Historical, Biomedical


            Chair: Sorin Antohi


            Maria Todorova Spacing Europe: What is a Historical Region?

Mark Bassin Is Europe Still a Geographical Concept? Does It Matter?          

Anastasia Karakassidou The Symbolic Geographies of Health and Illness


11:00-11:30 Coffee Break


11:30-14:00 Panel 2: Borders and Borderlands : Power, Civilization, Psychology


            Chair: Larry Wolff


            Alfred J. Rieber Frontiers of European Borderlands: Symbolic or Real?

            Patrick Sériot The Impossible Border between East and West in the Discourse on Language among Nineteenth-century Slavophiles

            Andrei Zorin Feeling across Borders: The Europeanization of Russian Nobility through Emotional Patterns

            Corin Braga Psychogeography. A Blueprint


14:00-17:00 Break


17:00-19:00 Panel 3: European Networks : Geometries and Identities


            Chair: Mark Bassin


            Marsha Siefert Networking Europe: Communication Technologies and Symbolic Geographies

            Jean-Jacques Wunenburger Du cercle au réseau: vers une identité transitionnelle de l'Europe ("From Circle to Network: Towards a Transitional Identity of Europe". In French. Simultaneous translation provided.)

            József Böröcz The Switch and the Broadband: Modalities of Coloniality in European Geopolitics


19:30 Dinner (CEU)


Saturday, May 29


9:00-11:00 Panel 4: Eastern, Central, Southeastern Europes : Ideology, Geopolitics, Empire


            Chair: Maria Todorova


            Larry Wolff Philosophic Geography and the Ideology of Empire in Eastern Europe

            Stefan Troebst Continentality vs. Maritimity: The Case of Central Europe

            Halil Berktay Between the First and the Third Divisions: Ottoman Late Imperial and Modern Turkish Nationalist Reactions to the Possibility of Relegation


11:00-11:30 Coffee Break


11:30-14:00 Panel 5: Discursive Spaces : Lived Experience, Fiction, Metaphysics


            Chair: Anastasia Karakassidou


            Attila Melegh From Reality to Twilight Zones: The Function of the East/West Slope during and after the Collapse of State Socialism

            Tyrus Miller A Geography of Dispersion: Central Europe and the Symbolic Spaces of the Avant-Garde

            Iver B. Neuman The Return of the Sacred Symbolic Geography: The Realms of Harry Potter

Sorin Antohi Beyond Symbolic Geographies: Europe’s Ethnic Ontologies


14:00-16:00 Break


16:00-18:00 Panel 6: European and EU Topographies : Inclusions and Exclusions


            Chair: József Böröcz


            Mario Bédard The Renewal of European Geosymbolic – A Key Factor for the Affirmation of EU’s Own Identity and for the Fulfillment of its Multicultural Society’s Project

            Maurizio Bach EU and Turkey – An Established-Outsiders Relation?

            Yehuda Elkana Europe Seen from Somewhere


18:00-18:30 Coffee Break


18:30-19:30 Concluding Session


20:00 Dinner (Menza, Liszt Ferenc tér)


Sunday, May 30






List of Participants : 


Sorin Antohi (History, CEU)


Maurizio Bach (Sociology, Universität Passau)


Mark Bassin (Geography, University College, London)


Mario Bédard (Geography, Université du Québec à Montréal)


Halil Berktay (History, Sabanci University, Istanbul)


József Böröcz (Sociology, Rutgers University)


Corin Braga (Literature, Babes-Bolyai University, Cluj)


Yehuda Elkana (Rector, CEU)


Anastasia Karakassidou (Anthropology, Wellesley College)


György Konrád (Budapest/Berlin)


Attila Melegh (History, Budapest University of Economics)


Tyrus Miller (Literature, University of California, Santa Cruz)


Iver B. Neuman (Norwegian Institute of International Affairs)


Alfred J. Rieber (History, CEU)


Patrick Seriot (Faculté des Lettres, Université de Lausanne)


Marsha Siefert (History/Communications, CEU)


Maria Todorova (History, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign)


Stefan Troebst (Leipzig Centre for the History and Culture of East Europe, Universität



Larry Wolff (History, Boston College)


Jean-Jacques Wunenburger (Philosophy, Université Jean Moulin Lyon 3)


Andrei Zorin (Literature, Moscow State University)


The collective volume based on the conference proceedings will be co-edited by Sorin Antohi and Larry Wolff, to be published with CEU Press. The conference and volume are mainly financed by CEU's Pasts, Inc. Center for Historical Studies (; additional financial support comes from the University of California, Santa Cruz.