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Centre de recherches en histoire et épistémologie comparée de la linguistique d'Europe centrale et orientale (CRECLECO) / Université de Lausanne // Научно-исследовательский центр по истории и сравнительной эпистемологии языкознания центральной и восточной Европы

-- Patrick Sériot : "Imagining the language of the ancestors : the so-called ‘New Paradigm’ in pseudo-linguistics in Central and Eastern Europe", conférence à l'Institutum Studiorum Humanitatis, Ljubljana, 12 mars 2012

Résumé :

In parallel with "normal linguistics" exists a "parallel linguistics" from Finland to the Balkans, which claims that everything which has been said and taught so far by "academic science" is an enormous lie, a plot directed at belittling the nation. Under the name of "New Paradigm", this amazing discourse on language has many common features in different Central and Eastern European countries : the origin of the European civilization is not to be found in the Greeks and Romans, but in a great, erudite, peaceful and democratic people which spread over the entire European continent in the Bronze Age. It is possible to find survivals of this people in archaeological remains and in the vocabulary of all the languages spoken in Europe. The name of this people can vary : the "Venets" in Slovenia, the "Dacians" in Rumania, the "Pelasgians" in Albania, the "Galians" in Lithuania, the "Etruscans" in Russia, the "Japhetides" for N. Marr, the "Germanen" for G. Kossinna, the "Scythians" for Leibniz... In fact, the ideology is the same, its name is "resentment". It is based on a huge identity suffering.
I shall concentrate on the linguistic reasoning of this discourse on language, which works on the principle of pun, disguised under the name of "etymology". In this quest for primordial presence of the ancestors on a specific territory, the search for the "origin" of the words and for the "authentic cradle" of the people is in fact the quest for an imaginary happiness of an innocent youth.