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Centre de recherches en histoire et épistémologie comparée de la linguistique d'Europe centrale et orientale (CRECLECO) / Université de Lausanne // Научно-исследовательский центр по истории и сравнительной эпистемологии языкознания центральной и восточной Европы

Univ. de Lausanne, Faculté des Lettres

Section de langues slaves, Option linguistique

Année 2006-2007,

Prof. Patrick SERIOT

Séminaire de 3e cycle : doctorants et mémorants

Séance du 29 mai 2007.

Jindrich Toman (Ann Arbor) :

East-East Asymmetries: The Fight for National Assertion in the New East—in Pictures


With the restructuring of Europe into West and East in the second part of the 1940s, there also quickly emerged a finer structure within the seemingly homogeneous East, with new pecking orders and new asymmetries appearing. One prominent issue was the status of the Soviet Union as a potent and innovative center of scholarship. The presentation will focus on this point, discussing the spread and reactions to Soviet science and technology to post-1948 Czechoslovakia and outlining attitudes running from a complete submission to Soviet propaganda to repeated assertions of domestic technological traditions. One of the points of departure is the legendary Soviet publication Rasskazy o russkom pervenstve by B. Bolxovitinov at al. (1950), the remaining material are the covers of Czech youth magazines such as Mladý technik and Věda a technika mládeži. Among other things, the presentation argues that such material provides significant insights and can legitimately considered as a valuable of tool of historical analysis.


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