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Centre de recherches en histoire et épistémologie comparée de la linguistique d'Europe centrale et orientale (CRECLECO) / Université de Lausanne // Научно-исследовательский центр по истории и сравнительной эпистемологии языкознания центральной и восточной Европы

-- Ludwig Noiré : The Origin and Philosophy of Language, 2nd Edition Revised and Enlarged, Chicago – London : The Open Court Publishing Company, 1917.



1. The Origin of Language 1
2. The Logos Theory 37
3. The Origin of Reason 49
4. Darwin and Max Müller 61
5. Max Müller and the Doctrine of Development 75
6. Speech and Reason 90
7. Max Müller and the Problem of the Origin of Language 107
8. Noire's Theory of the Origin of Language 128
Index 157



Abstraction, this power of, 109.

Adam, 2.

Animal, the tool-making, 138.

Apparatus of articulate sound-production, mechanical, 108.

Bible, the, 40.

Book of the Aryan world, the oldest, 81.

Bow-wow, theory, the, 4, 112, 117.

Bread, the concept, 42.

Brehm's animal life, 54.

Broca, 53.

Carlyle, 65.

Causality, 43.

Cause, the conception of, 94.

Ceres, 2.

Children, 21; observation of, 6.

Cicero's dictum, 108.

Circle, the vicious, 95.

Coaxare, 113.

Communication, 22.

Concept, the general, 23, 25, 49.

Condillac, 20, 27, 115.

Consciousness, 71.

Copernicus, 2, 53.

Cosmic development, 92; evolution, 125.

Cranes of Ibicus, the, 33.

Critique of Pure Reason, 55.

Cuckoo, 4. 114.

Cuvier, 64.

Darwin, 53, 61, 62. ' Darwin of the mind, the 118.

Darwinians, 71, 73.

Darwinism, violent, 87.

De Bosses, 115.

Die Anthropologic der Naturvölker, 106.

East, the, 78.

Epicurus, 115, 116.

Errors, fundamental, 94.

Eumenides, 33.

Evolution, a peculiarity of the law of, 32; cosmic, 61.

External always acts upon external, 38.

Force which we call reason, the inner mental, 98.

Forces, the co-operation of different, 33.

Franklin, 138.

Galileo, 53.

Geiger, 1, 6, 10, 11, 16, 64, 88, 97, 112, 145, 149. Geiger's theory, 27,

General, the, 20.

Generalisation and comparison, 79.

Generatio equlvoca, 118.

Genesis of man, the, 67.

German and Latin statements, parallel, 39.

German diligence, 99.

Germ language, 1.

Gestures, 12, 34.

God, 2; the living, 41,

Goethe, 63, 94; Spinoza's great disciple, 95.

Hamann, 94.

Handel, 40.

Harmony, pre-established, 94.

Hartknoch, Johann Friedrich, 55.

Hegel, 55.

Helmholtz, 53, 71.

Herakleitos, "the obscure," 62.

Herder, 63, 96, 113; theory, 3.

Heredity, 70.

"History of Materialism," 144.

History, universal, 65.

Homer, 40.

Horace, 38.

Ideas, general, 117, 130; the great problem of, 51; the filiation of, 118.

Ideas only from ideas, 123.

Imagination, the, 130.

India, development of, 85.

Indian literature, 84.

Instinct, 17.

Intuition, 153.

Invention, 25.

Ixion, the wheel of, 95.

Kant, 56, 125, 146.

Kepler, 53.

Knowledge, human, 50.

Kratylos, 112.

Kussmaul, 53.

Lrafontaine, 18.

Lamarck, 67.

Lange, Albert, 144.

Language, growth of, 10; philosophy of, 103; the Kubicon which divides man from beast, 73; is the child of will, 125; Is petrified philosophy, 130.

Laws of nature have their sole seat, origin, and function in the human mind, 126.

Leibnitz, 113, 117 ; the favourite idea of, 119.

Lessing, 63.

Locke, 20, 49, 96.

Lockian doctrine, the, 119.

Logos is, what the, 41, 45.

Luther, the historical, 2.

Man and beast, distinction between, 110; forms his own schemes of life, every, 88.

"Man thinks because be speaks," 50.

Mayer, Robert, 104.

Mechanical point of view, a, 72.

Memory, 137.

Metaphysical base of the knowledge of the world, the, 95.

Mimetic and interjectional theories, 37.

Mind, the kingdom of conscious, 91; kindred, 104.

Mirror, language a magic, 99.

Monad, 95.

Monism, 94.

Monistic doctrine, the fundamental, 95 ; philosophy, 136 ; theory of development, the, 75.

Müller, Max, 4, 6, 9, 19, 31, 73, 86, 102, 114.

Muller, Otfried, 155. "'

Murray, Dr., 122.

Mythology, the rise of, 155.

Names derived, from general ideas, 131.

Newton, 53.

No saltus, in the nature of the mind, 118. '

Omne vivum, ex ovo, 111.

One, two single things as, 79.

Onomatopoeia, the theory of, 112.

Organization and life, origin of, 92.

Oriental studies and scientific research, 77.

Oriental thought, 78.

Origin and growth of the human race, 84, 90.

Paleanthropology, 99.

Paradoxes, great truths are known first as, 50.

Parrot, the, 23.

Perception, the passive element of, 125.

Percepts, obscure ideas or, 18.

Philology, comparative, 57, 98.

Philosophy, the history of, 78; the highest problem of all, 136.

Phonetic utterances, the, 14.

Phrasemongering, 104.

Plato, 52, 112. Poetry, 37.

Polynesians, the, 93.

"Pooh-pooh!" or interjectional theory, the, 116.

Prehistoric past, our, 99.

Prius, the, 94.

Progress, psychic, 70. Protagoras, 56.

Ratio and oratio are one and the same being, 95.

Reality, empirical, 45.

Reason is man, 50. Reason, the dawning light of, 91; no speech without, 97; what is the origin of? 136.

Reiteration, frequent, 36.

Relations, casual, 94.

Religion, the origin of, 155.

Representation, 43.

Riddle, the great, 62.

Rig-Veda Sanhita, 84.

Roots, primitive, 5; what are, 111.

Sanskrit philology, importance of, 79.

Schiller, 33, 65, 67.

Schopenhauer, 62.

Smith, Adam, 20, 27.

Sound, primitive, 1, 49.

Speech, the parent of, 27; no reason without, 97.

Sphinx, the eternal riddle of the, 72.

Spielhagen, 24.

Spinoza, 63.

Spirits, classical and Teutonic, 78.

Steinthal's theory of reflex-sounds, 118.

Stewart, Dugald, 12.

St. Hilaire, Geoffroy de, 64.

Substance, self-subsisting, 73.

Tartuffe and Bulenspiegel, 20.

Theory, pooh-pooh, 5; the Interjectional, 5; Ding-dong, 6; the Gee-haw, 35; Logos, 37; sympathy, 37, 44; of proper names, 27.

Thinking, 97, 143.

Thomson, Sir William, 71.

Thought, abstract, 45.

Timotheus, 33.

Tooke, Home, 116.

Two or the Dyad, the, 78, 124.

Ulysses, 18.

Vedas, the, 81.

Vedic poetry, the real nature of, 82.

Verbal disputes, 96.

Vibrations, 122.

Von Humboldt, W., 113.

Waltz, Theodor, 104.

Will, super-human or extra-human, 65; Schopenhauer's theory of, 94.

Word, origin of the, 4, 17.

Words, the first, 24; the influence of, 102.

World, the objective, 129.

Zeus, 40.