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Welcome on the web-site of the Slavic department (linguistic option) and CRECLECO (Centre de recherches en épistémologie comparée de la linguistique d'Europe centrale et orientale). You will find here information on teaching and research programms in the field of Slavic linguistics which are carried on at the University of Lausanne.

The file "Research" deals with the scientific work (colloquiums, research projects, publications, doctoral dissertations, information on Russian and Soviet linguists)

The file "Texts" is a virtual library with important texts in Russian and general linguistics.

What's new on the site Last events of the CRECLECO
  • 1-3 July 2004
Colloquium : "A Paradigm Lost : Marrist Linguistics in the USSR"

  • 2-4 October 2003
Colloquium : "The discourse on language in authoritarian régimes", Le Louverain (Jura neuchâtelois)

  • October 2002
New heading : a file on Linguistics journals in the USSR in the 1920-1930'
  • 5-6 June 2003
European doctoral school in the history of linguistic theories
  • May 2002
New heading : Encyclopedia of Russian and Soviet linguists.
  • November 2002
The CRECLECO begins a cooperation with the University of Caen on the project : «The so-called national languages: genesis and affirmation» (resp.: Prof. Rémi Camus)

  • 26th August 2002
A team of the CRECLECO received a SNF research grant on the project : « Compared epèistemology of discourse on language in the USSR (1917-1953)».

The head of the project is Prof. P.Sériot, with three research assistants : Lena Kokoshkina, Katja Velmezova and Sébastien Moret. The project will last two years from October 1st, 2002.

  • 5-6-7- juillet 2002
Colloquium "The philosophical, epistemological and ideological foundations of the discourse on language in the USSR, 1917-1950" (Crêt-Bérard, Vaud)

Last update 18/06/05 -

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